Welcome To
Gates Brain Health
Gates Brain Health is a natural treatment facility for neurological disorders, autoimmune conditions and chronic health conditions. We are here to help heal the disenfranchised patient who is tired of not being heard or taken seriously. Our bodies and brains are meant to heal themselves when given the appropriate nutrients and neurological activation.
Over the course of the past eleven years, as a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist, Dr. Randall Gates, D.C., has dedicated his professional and personal time toward his search for the underlying causes of the chronic conditions that impact thousands of lives every day. Through extensive research and study, Dr. Gates has made it his personal mission to find impactful solutions to previously untreatable or dismissed chronic conditions.
Meet Our Doctor
For over a decade, Dr. Randall Gates, D.C., Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist, has dedicated his life to helping people discover and treat the causes of their chronic health conditions.
Throughout his life, his passion for understanding the body and human performance has remained unchanged.
Shortly after graduating in 2006 with a B.S. in Biology, Dr. Gates started his doctoral program in Chiropractic. During chiropractic school, he was introduced to Functional Neurology. When he dove into the subject, everything clicked! He became fascinated by neurology and spent much of his free time studying the brain in-depth; including its dysregulations and rehabilitation.